• 23 October 2020, Friday
  • Онлайн

The V International Conference “More Than Just Learning: Exploring the Next Norm”

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АНО ДПО "Корпоративный университет Сбербанка"
1275 дней назад
23 October 2020 c 10:00 до 18:00

The V International Conference “More Than Just Learning: Exploring the Next Norm” from Sberbank Corporate University and EFMD

On 23 October the V International Conference “More Than Just Learning: Exploring the Next Norm will be organised by Sberbank Corporate University and EFMD and bring together participants from the education and corporate sectors.

At the conference we will be pondering how the occurred pandemic influences learning, target audience, formats and educational technologies as well as cost cutting and keeping on with the supreme quality of learning.

We are expecting CEOs of leading Russian companies, HR directors, heads of L&D functions and corporate universities, presidents of leading universities, deans of top business schools, as well as the entrepreneurs of the EdTech industry as participants of the conference.

The Conference will be held online. Simultaneous translation into English will be provided.

Participation is free.



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