• 24 October 2019, Thursday
  • Moscow, Московская область, Истринский район, деревня Аносино, Университетская ул, 11

The Fourth International Conference “More Than Just Learning: Learning as a Driver of Behavioral Change”

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Другие события организатора

АНО ДПО "Корпоративный университет Сбербанка"
1651 день назад
с 10:00 24 October до 20:00 26 October 2019
Московская область, Истринский район, деревня Аносино, Университетская ул, 11

The conference is organised by Sberbank Corporate University and The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and supported by Sberbank Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”, Harvard Business Review-Russia, and RBK News.

This year, we are expecting more than 400 participants – CEOs of leading Russian companies, HR directors, heads of L&D functions and corporate universities, presidents of leading universities and deans of top business schools, as well as the entrepreneurs of the edtech area.

October 24. On the pre-conference day, the campus space will turn into “The Day of the Future”. You will have a chance to see pilot projects of edtech startups, an exhibition of innovative art, and to talk with the leading experts of this area. The highlight of the day is going to be the Science Slam with the participation of prominent scientists and education leaders. We will talk about the latest research and development in education; such are artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), cloud computing, robotic complexes, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), gamification, etc. Last, but not the least, we have also organized excursions to School 21 and EFMD accreditation seminar.

October 25. We will open the Conference Day with a panel discussion of Sberbank executives, leaders of innovative educational institutions, and leading international experts in learning. In addition, we will conduct parallel sessions to discuss new learning formats for the 21st century, pathways to develop cognitive skills, as well as meta-subject skills, which are necessary for the future jobs to inspire and motivate people to learn.

October 26. We will hold workshops devoted to digital and soft skills development and we will diligently share our experience of working with leading technology companies and universities.

The information about the previous conferences can be found on our webpage: https://sberbank-university.ru/#thirdPage.

Participation in the conference is fee-based (the price includes participant’s conference package, meals). Non-profit educational institutions participate free of charge, by invitation.


For your convenience, we recommend that you book a room at the campus of the Sberbank Corporate University (the rate includes access to the swimming pool and fitness center). The participants themselves pay for the cost of hotel accommodation. Contacts for reservations: res@cu.ifk-hm.com, tel. (495) 665 43 40, ext. 7017 or 7018.

Conference venue: 11, Universitetskaya Street, Anosino, Istra District, Moscow Region.

Contacts: YVShustrova.CU@sberbank.ru, +7 916 66 8 37 32, Yulia Shustrova.


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